You Can’t Unsee These Photos That Captured The Moments Right Before Tragedy Struck

Photographs are powerful. They give us the ability to preserve the important events in our lives as well as the ability to experience the important events in others‘ lives. But these events aren’t always good. Sometimes, photos give us a glimpse into the devastating, tragic, and unthinkable events in time — times that the subjects of a simple photograph could have never seen coming before it was too late. These photos were taken before some of the most tragic moments in history.

Niagara Falls Parachuting Nightmare


Robert Overacker was a thrill-seeking man with a passion for justice. On October 1, 1995, he attempted to jet ski over Niagara Falls to raise awareness about the plight of the homeless. He fell to his death when his rocket-propelled parachute failed to open. Here he is, in the final photo taken of him, heading over the deadly falls.