The Most Astonishing Makeup Fails Ever

Makeup can be really difficult to work with, even for those of us who have plenty of practice. And like anything that takes skill, that also means that there is also an opportunity for major fails.Over the last few years especially, the makeup world has seen a lot of questionable trends that we'll be scratching our heads about in the future.

Here are some of the worst makeup fails of all time. Just remember this: If you feel like you're bad at doing makeup, chances are it's nowhere near as bad as these people are.

This All Around Rough Face

It's hard to tell exactly where to start with this full face of makeup, but there are several mistakes here that most of us probably made in the beginning of our journey with cosmetics. Bright colors are definitely fun to use, but not all over your entire face. This girl probably would have been better off had she chosen a bright lip or a bright eye, not both... and it might be good for her to keep in mind that eyeshadow shouldn't necessarily meet your eyebrows. Combine that with the blush, and you practically need sunglasses to look at this girl's face.


An Attempt Was Certainly Made Here


This girl took several concepts that are important for anyone who wants to become a makeup pro to learn... and then took them to a level they never should have reached. Lining your lips is good, lining them with a color so drastically different than the lip color? Not so much. Highlighting around your brow bone and cleaning up around your brows with concealer? Tricks of the trade, but not quite like this. We just have to hope that this was a joke, because we'd hate to think someone would actually leave the house thinking this looks good.... or, god forbid, do a tutorial about it.


The Orange Trend Was Difficult For Us All


If anything, this photo will definitely make you feel a sense of relief that the period where orange tans were in is now over. Remember in the early-to-mid 2000s, when Jersey Shore reigned supreme and many, many girls were getting super orange fake tans to look like beach bunnies all year long? This look is a perfect salute to that horrible time. Oh, and we just noticed the fact that her eyebrows are nonexistent. Sorry, we were a little distracted by that tan... and the bright lips... and those eyes. Yikes. Hopefully, this wasn't a recent look, and this girl did her makeup like this back when these terrible trends were still in.


This Look Is Actually Illegal


Most people don't look awesome in their mugshots, but it's not because their makeup is bad. As if it wasn't bad enough that this poor woman got arrested, but this photo definitely isn't a keeper. Those eyebrows are rough — not only are they pencil thin, but for some reason, they're slanted upward? And the dark eye makeup is bad, but it's not nearly as bad as those lips. Traditionally, your cupid's bow isn't supposed to be triangular, but hey — maybe she's starting a new prison trend. Either way, we hope this woman is doing better these days... and that she's learned a better makeup routine.


This Contour & Highlight Situation


Contouring is obviously a popular trend and can look absolutely gorgeous when done correctly, but if you're not willing to put in the hours of practice, you're probably going to come out looking something like this. Granted, this fail isn't quite as bad as some of the others on this list, but it's definitely a good example of what not to do when you're trying to contour your face. This girl ended up with a pretty muddy look that doesn't look good on anybody... and the highlighting makes it worse. Hopefully, she at least knew to blend all this out before calling it a day.


The Celebrity Powder Issue


So many celebrities have fallen victim to this bad, bad setting powder malfunction, and it's proof that nobody -- not even someone as gorgeous and flawless as Nicole Kidman -- is immune to makeup fails. It's happened so many celebs during red carpet shoots, from Angelina Jolie to Taylor Swift, and it's not a pretty look. If you're ever in the situation where you're going to be photographed by high powered flash, you want to make sure you choose a setting powder that isn't going to reflect off that flash and make you look like you just dipped your face in a bowl of powdered sugar. Just a little tip.


The Orange Face Returns... And Gets Worse


It's easy to see this girl was going for a wide-eyed look, but instead, her makeup kind of just made her look like she's absolutely nuts. The orange face is bad, yes, but the rest of it is so much worse... mostly, those eyebrows. Drawing on your eyebrows is something a lot of us have to do every day, but maybe not in this shape. The ends look like tadpoles, don't they? Add in the spider mascara, the eyeliner, and the lipstick that's way too pale for the look she's going for, and it basically turns into a disaster. A few YouTube videos on how to properly do your eyebrows would go a long way for this girl.


These Cringeworthy Eyebrows


Considering the fact that so many of us were just learning how to do our makeup in that terrible era of skinny eyebrows and over plucked, no matter how many times our moms told us it was a horrible idea, it's understandable that now, many of us are also dealing with really bad natural brows that never quite grew back. It makes sense if you want to shave them off and start over — if you have the skills to make it work, and it doesn't seem that this girl did. They're not even in the same place as her eyebrows used to be, and that's just the beginning of her problems. Fingers crossed they're not a tattoo.


This Hot Pink & Black Look


Smoky eyes and bright lips can look amazing when they're done right, but in this case, they just aren't. Her eyeshadow obviously isn't blended at all and is so heavy and dark that it makes her eyes look teeny tiny, and then, those lips? Yeah, um, she didn't even try to keep the lipstick in the same zip code as her actual lips. Overlining is a thing, but not quite like this. And of course, the quintessential part to any makeup fail: bad eyebrows, which appear to have disappeared from this girl's face. Why does everyone think eyebrows are a bad thing?!


A Double Whammy


In this photo, we get two makeup fails for the price of one. Lucky us! The bleached hair isn't great, and neither is that orange tan that we've been talking so much about, but thanks to these girls' teeth and eyeshadow, they look like they glow in the dark. White shadow can certainly look pretty when it's done right, but that is not what is happening here. It looks they just painted their eyes with white-out, used what was left on their teeth, and then called it a day. Just about everything here needs to be toned down SO much.


As If Lindsay Lohan Didn't Have Enough Issues


Poor, poor Lindsay Lohan. She went from being so naturally gorgeous in movies like Mean Girls to this. It's hard to tell whether this was an actual makeup artist's mistake or Lindsay herself, but we certainly hope she didn't pay anybody for her face to turn out like this. Like we said earlier, contouring can be very tricky, and it's very easy to end up with a muddy streak across your face like this. Poor LiLo. Hopefully, she's figured things out since this photo was taken. This girl has been through enough over the last few years — she doesn't deserve to deal with her makeup looking this rough on top of all of that!


Harsh Lines Never Look Good


This lady looks so happy and so sweet, but she'd probably be even happier if someone helped her with her eyebrows and lip liner. Is she even wearing lipstick? If not, lip liner kind of isn't necessary... and it definitely shouldn't meet in the middle like that, since it's just meant to line the outside of your lips. The eyebrows aren't that bad, except for that part closest to her nose where she has some kind of harsh rectangle situation going on. Fading your brows out gradually looks way better... and way more natural. If she fixed those two things, her look isn't too bad!


XTina's Former Look


How crazy is it that when this photo was taken, Christina, her makeup artist, and people in general probably thought she looked amazing? Makeup trends are fun, but they don't last forever... and sometimes, when it's all over, your throwback photos end up looking as ridiculous as this one does. Everything from her hair, the orange face, and the eye makeup are probably decisions she'd rather forget... but fortunately, none of it stopped her from becoming one of the most successful singers of all time. Just goes to show that not even major makeup fails can hold you back, right?


And Poor, Poor Leighton Meester


If Blair Waldorf ever saw this photo, she'd be absolutely horrified. Leighton Meester is usually incredibly beautiful, especially when she goes for a natural look. Unfortunately, the makeup she wore to this event was anything but natural. The red lips aren't so much the problem, even though they do look a bit too striking compared to her pale complexion, but the purple eyes and the red lips? Not a great combination. She would have looked much better with downplayed eyes instead. Remember this rule, everyone: Bold eyes or bold lips, but probably not both. Some people can pull both off at the same time, but for most of us mere mortals, not going overboard is never a bad choice.


This One Is Just An Overall Bad Look


Yikes. Why is it that so many people have fallen into the orange skin trap? Honestly, it makes a bad makeup look even worse, emphasizing all the wrong parts of your face... and for this poor lady, that's just the beginning of a long list of what's going wrong here. Like, where are her eyebrows? What happened to them? Those tiny ones that have been drawn on were a waste of time, because it's nearly impossible to see them. And then, there's the matter of the lips and the bad false lashes. False lashes are not for the faint of heart, ladies.


When Ariana Grande's Eyes Were In A Terrible Accident


This photo became a very long lasting meme after fans discovered it, and now, it's sealed permanently as one of the worst makeup fails of all time. Presumably, Ariana had her makeup professionally done before this event, and if so, she needs to get her money back. If not? Well, clearly, she was running late and had to do her makeup in the car, because it's hard to see how this disaster happened otherwise. What's worse: the clumpy lashes, the eyeshadow, or the horribly mangled eyeliner? It's hard to tell, honestly... and if we knew our eye makeup looked that bad, we certainly wouldn't be closing our eyes for kiss face pictures.


That Awful Squiggle Trend


It seems like this eyebrow trend died as soon as it began, so cross your fingers it never comes back. And as if just the squiggle eyebrows weren't bad enough, this girl took it to a new level, doing all her makeup in the same style. This had to have been a joke, right? Please tell us it was a joke. The eyeliner is bad but not horrible, and even worse than the eyebrows are squiggle lips, which makes it look like she put on her lipstick in a moving vehicle. Maybe she helped Ariana Grande do her eye makeup? That would certainly answer a lot of questions that are bouncing around in our heads right now.


And Then, This Weird Trend, Which We Apparently Missed


As if the squiggle trend wasn't bad enough, there's... this. Plenty of makeup artists and gurus will tell you that it's a good idea to draw individual hairs when you're filling in your eyebrows, but, um, this is taking that advice to a brand new level we never knew was possible.The rest of her makeup is fine, but her eyebrows look like they'd be sharp to touch, like they're barbed wire or something. Is she trying to start a new trend, or is she mocking how insane eyebrows have gotten over the past year or so? We hope it's the second one. This cannot be real.


This Major Makeover Fail


This woman said her makeup look is a result of a professional makeover she had done, and for that, we are so sorry that this happened to her. Not only is her face a different color than her neck, but that contour is a disaster and so is her eye makeup, which hasn't even been blended out. And then, the worst part (which, as you can see, is always the biggest makeup fail that can happen) is those eyebrows. Did this artist even try to give this poor woman a good look, or was she playing some kind of prank? Can she please get her money back?


And This Poor Makeover Victim, As Well


If this girl looks angry, it's because she is. It's one thing if your makeup fail is your own fault, but when it happens at the hands of professionals? It just never should have happened. According to this woman, her face was done by Urban Decay artists, who apparently had no idea what they were doing. She said it made her come out looking like a potato, and we simply cannot disagree with her. If this girl paid for the makeover, she deserves a refund and a few coupons thrown in, and the artist should probably find a new career path to follow.