Secrets & Scandals Of America’s First Ladies

Throughout history, Americans look to First Ladies as revered, respectable and incredibly interesting women. We wonder what their lives were like before their husbands accepted the most powerful position in the world and we wonder about their lifestyles while they lived in the White House. The First Ladies were all held to a very high standard but they have their own secrets and scandals. Check out what these First Ladies did to make them scandalous.

Nancy Reagan


After the assassination attempt on her husband in 1981, Nancy began consulting astrologers for guidance. She considered astrology to be a crucial tool to determine the best dates and locations for her husband’s appearances to ensure he was safe and out of harm’s way. She quickly became a very well-known first lady and political figure who was fond of astrology. This was her way of feeling like she could protect her husband and plan ahead.

The Astrology Devotee


Any events, locations or dates that had unfavorable astrological readings inevitably led to cancellations. Nancy Reagan almost entirely dictated her husband’s schedule, as even the most important meetings required the astrologer’s input. If it took planning farther ahead with foreign heads of state, it had to be done only when traveling and safe times were noted as favorable. Consulting the astrologer became the only way she felt comfortable with the president’s comings and goings. So who did Mrs. Reagan turn to during her times of uncertainty? Click on to find out and to see how America reacted to the revelation.