Incredible Storm Photos: Snow Edition

Kids and professionals who are involved in education love snow days because they don’t have to go to work or school! However, sometimes those casual snow days can turn into life-threatening blizzards and the fun is all gone. For those who have never been in a snowstorm, it isn’t a blast. “The Storm of the 20th Century took place in Marc 1993,” according to DoSomething. “It was iconic for its hurricane wind force and massive size. And it stretched from Canada to mid-America. The blizzard caused roughly 300 deaths and 10 million power outages.” That was just the result of one snowstorm, so imagine the whole history of them. This list provides information on the most incredible snowstorms to have ever happened. Wait until you see the craziness that happened in 1996.

Mount Shasta 1959

mt shasta.jpg

Based on the amount of snowfall, this is more than likely the most snowfall in history. The only thing is, most of the snow went unnoticed and only covered a very small area.